
My 3D Hand

Following my experiment to create a 3D version of my head (or the reduction of me [human] to an object existing in a digital space), I then conducted the same experiment this time using Agisoft Photoscan to create a 3D version of my hand. Photoscan requires more precise photos to be taken at the first stage, with Clive McCarthy’s help we set this up using the following:

  • Green screen background
  • 3 x Photography lights – tungsten bulbs
  • Nikon DSLR camera
  • Wheelie chair

IMG_9525 (2)

I moved in small increments while Clive captured 360ยบ of my head. This was then masked using After Effects and both the original files and the mask taken into Photoscan. The software goes through the process of creating a aligning photos to create a point cloud, creating a dense cloud, creating the mesh and finally building the texture. This was ultimately a failed experiment, the final model didn’t render a 3D hand and could only show a 2D image. This perhaps needs better photos to be taken initially or a 3D scan.

However, the resulting object does have interesting qualities where it has lost some information. The object therefore takes on a new form, it is a copy of the original but also an original now in its own right.





The unwrapped texture this time is much more complex then the previous experiment:



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