
My 3D Head (3)

In order to re-try the process of using Photoscan this time I created a 3D version of my head. This time the experiment worked and the resulting model successfully captured my head and translated it into a 3D space. This further gave the impression of the reduction of the human to an object and how that object weirds the human, you can recognise aspects of it but you no longer have a connection to it. Also once the object is put into a 3D programme such as Blender, it created it’s own virtual space. This virtual space allows that object to exist in a new context, carving out a new environment the human couldn’t exist within otherwise. The notion of space is interesting and not something I had considered previously, the space around an object has as much impact on it as the object itself. Equally the space around the human can have the same impact.

This opens up avenues to consider:

  • Negative space
  • Virtual space/ real space
  • Topology [- concerned with the properties of space that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching and bending, but not tearing or gluing. Important topological properties include connectedness and compactness.]

Also along with digital/virtual space, perhaps this could lead to explorations of objects/humans/space within the Oculus Rift.

photoscan process 1

photoscan process 2

photoscan process 4

photoscan process 6

Unwrapped texture:



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